Monday, August 14, 2017

The President got it right!


The President came out after the riotous demonstration in Charlottesville stating that hate groups on all sides of the spectrum cannot be tolerated.  He hit the nail on the head with that statement, even though the mainstream media is now vilifying him for not specifically identifying the KKK, Alt-Right, and White Nationalists as the root of the problem.  That could not be further from the truth, but it fits a dialogue that the left has been trying to push, that these particular groups are all Trump supporters and the reason for his victory.  They want to paint conservatives, Republicans, and Trump supporters with this brush in order to neuter our President and take away recently gained power that the Republican Party has garnered over the last few years.  It is a lie, but as Herman Goebbels said in WWII,  “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”  In other words, a lie if told often enough becomes the truth!!

The fact is White Nationalists, KKK, and Alt-Right groups are hate groups.  They hate anything that is not the same as they are.  They support big government that would coerce all people to do their bidding, and they have no problem with using violence as a means to their ends.  They are dangerous and they are counterproductive to mending our society.  They should be pushed out of the mainstream and jailed when caught doing evil.  There is no place for them in our civil society.

What was not lost on the President is that Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and other select left wing groups are also hate groups.  They hate anything that is not the same as they are.  They support big government that would coerce all people to do their bidding, and have no problem with using violence as a means to their ends.  They are dangerous and are counterproductive to mending our society.  They should be pushed out of the mainstream and jailed when caught doing evil.  There is no place for them in our civil society.

President Trump in effect called out all of these groups as 2 sides to the same coin.  He did so because it is the truth.  He also did so because he understands that doing anything less would fall into the leftist trap, painting the Republican Party as the problem, as opposed to actually identifying the problem as it really is.  The fact is that after years of divisive identity politics on the left, these groups sprouted up initially for disparate reasons, but at the end of the day, their reasons mirror one another.  Each of these groups want big government, socialism, and most of all, want their way imposed on everyone.  Their "own ways" are different, but the way to get it done is walking down the same path, which ultimately would lead to the destruction of our way of life.  President Trump knows this, and took pains not to give the left's propagandists fuel for their fire.

President Trump just spoke again about Charlottesville.  In that speech, he indicated that hate groups will not be tolerated, and those that engage in violence will be prosecuted.  He stated strongly that all of us need to embrace love for their fellow citizens, and that all in our country should be free to pursue happiness and success.  It was a speech of unity, which is exactly what our country needs today.  It is also a stark contrast to the messaging brought to us by the previous administration.  

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