Monday, August 14, 2017

An evening with Dinesh D'Souza and Larry Elder!


This event was on the evening of August 13th, and the reason for the event was to introduce another new book from Dinesh D'Souza called THE BIG LIE, exposing the Nazi roots of the American left.  Larry Elder, a local Los Angeles talk show host, hosted a Q&A between himself and Dinesh.  The questions and answers revolved around the general topic of the book, and as usual, Dinesh does a great job of sorting out leftist propaganda to show what really is going on and why.

He highlights how the left, supported by the Democratic Party, paints of picture of Donald Trump as the reincarnation of Hitler.  They also are attempting to paint the Republican Party as the new incarnation of the Nazi Party.  This is done so that they have a chance to destroy our President and to intimidate conservatives and Republicans into renouncing our President for fear of being painted with the same brush.  Nazism is considered the ultimate form of hate, embracing it is the ultimate hate crime, and the strategy is that no one would want to be associated with Nazism.

In the spirit of Joseph Goebbels, the left has constructed a twisted version of reality, painting themselves as the anti-fascists, and conservatives and Republicans as the real fascists.  In fact, this could not be further from the truth, but the lie is repeated over and over again.  In the spirit of George Orwell's book 1984, they use a process of double speak to make their points.  Using double speak, political correctness obfuscates the issue and they twist it to their own ends.  In actuality, the left practises the politics of hate, hiding behind lies and language.  They paint the opposite side as fascist, and they as the warriors against this hate, when in fact they are endeavoring to practice an evil inversion of the truth.  They blame conservatives and Republicans, victims of their lies, for being and doing what they in fact are perpetrating on them.  Dinesh makes it clear that the left are the true fascists, and that their lies are transparent when held under the scrutiny of the light of truth.  

I'm looking forward to reading this book!     

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