Friday, June 23, 2017


Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall.
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

This seems to be the state of "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare at this moment.  The latest Senate version sounds a lot like Obama Care Light.  It looks like rather than putting some deep thought into the process, the Senate simply took the Obama Care outline and changed some things to make it a little less insidious, but essentially it is still simply a rejiggered Obama Care version.  This is simply a bill being rammed through because a new bill was promised, rather than something that people can count on.

This bill won't pass muster in the Senate, let alone the House.  The end result if it did get passed simply would be that the Republicans will be left holding bag when their version fails as badly as Obama Care.  They will own it, not the Democrats that created the actual problem.  That is why it ultimately it will not pass muster with a vote.  No one wants to take ownership of the Obama Care failure, especially the Democrats.  I'm sure that they are secretly praying that the bill actually passes for that reason.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Mike Lee are 4 Senators that are saying no to this version.  Why?  
1.  It does not effectively repeal Obama Care, simply changes some of its tenants.  
2.  It does not necessarily lower premiums.
3.  It doesn't give states greater flexibility.
4.  It does not give insurance companies the right to sell all types of policies.
If the new law does not do these things, they are not going along with it, and their votes are needed.  What's more, they are right, but they also know that the issues are more complex than that.  

The big problem that no one is even looking at is that Obama Care not only addressed the individual payer market and uninsured people, it also played havoc with employer based plans, changing what they needed to cover and who they needed to cover.  In short, Democrats took Humpty Dumpty and pushed him off the fence.  Now we have a big mess all over with the entire health system in crisis.  Costs are going up exponentially, basic services are being degraded with higher deductibles, less health care professionals, and an overall degraded system than we had before Obama Care.  

Will Congress and the President be able to put a great, workable system back together?  Looking at their present offering, and the effort put into that plan, I don't think that they will.  There is a great possibility that instead of inviting the insurance and medical communities together to assist in crafting a workable plan, they will simply fail and default to a single payer program, insisting that when it is run by the government it will be much better for everyone.  This was the intention of Obama Care all along, and if that is what we will be spoon fed, they all need to be voted out of office.  No critical thinker believes that the government runs anything well. It is beginning to look like all the Kings horses and all the Kings men will not be able to put Humpty back together again!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

CH. Mirepoix's Pop Culture Icon
9/9/2007 - 6/15/2017

Started life a dog proud and tough,
did as he wanted, nothing too rough!
Small in stature, but big in heart,
This was Cartman, our little fart!

Afraid of nothing, took danger as fun,
hunted rats, bats, and cats, never was done.
With a Mastiff he did not back down,
Mastiff ran away, a notch on his crown.

He loved his people, especially his Mom,
slept next to her in his blissful calm.
Protected his family in his canine way,
Barking at strangers, "this is not your day"!

One day this mighty dog fell deadly sick,
he fought the disease with his fearless tick.
Mom fought too, wouldn't let him down,
Specialists brought in from all over town.

The fight was hard, and looked like a win,
all the experts said it was not time for him.
But God works in his own mysterious way,
He called our dog to heaven on Wednesday.

We miss him every morning and night,
miss his love, his smartness, his fight.
Knowing the Rainbow bridge is there,
Makes his absence easier to bear.

Cartman 15 months old

Cartman 2 years old "What a face"!
Keeping cool in hot Southern California summers

Cartman as he became a Champion!

Cartman 'tolerating' being stacked

Cartman the beautiful show dog
Cartman putting up with my attempts to show him, but we did win that day!
He loved going bye-bye!
Bill with his 'dirty peeb', both gone now, but so loved and never forgotten.
Cartman and Claire pool time
Love that face!
Cartman at 9 years old
Cartman and Claire, they were great buddies
Cart trying to gain sympathy, about 2 years old and so bored....
Crazy Cart always slept this way.
Amos and Cartman at the premiere of Hotel for Dogs


Written by George McCullough

The President has a special prosecutor investigating him for what?  Russian connections involving election results?  Collusion?  Obstruction of Justice?  

Other investigations abound.  The Senate and the House of Representatives are also investigating. This is interesting because their investigations started over 9 months ago, and so far there is no evidence.

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff has stated repeatedly that there is evidence, but not evidence that is "beyond a doubt".  Still, he will not tell us what that evidence is, and no one else on that panel has hinted that there is anything.....

As sure as the sun comes up everyday, the reasonable man knows that there is nothing to investigate.  That said, the investigations go on, and on, and on...  Paul Ryan is hoping that the House investigation can wrap up by Memorial Day, in a perfect world.....  No one believes that.  The Special Prosecutor may never give up, and why should he?  This is a payday for him regardless of the final results, if there are any.

Endgame?  To ruin the Presidency of Donald Trump.  To eliminate his agenda in the hope that he becomes completely ineffectual.  What I find interesting is that while the Progressive Democrats are doing this, many Republicans are not making an attempt to defend him.  RHINO's.  Why?
They are doing this so the "swamp" does not get drained.  Many Republicans, all Democrats, and the Bureaucracy do not want change.  They have what they consider a good thing and they do not want that to end.  To hell with the American people, self-interest is the name of the endgame.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


This morning the unthinkable happened.  This man, James Hodgkinson, who hates our country, our system of government, and our economic system, decided to kill Republican lawmakers at a charity baseball practice.  Thank God that the police put a quick end to his life before he could do more damage.

The left has pushed an agenda that includes dividing people into different groups, fomenting hatred for all that is American.  They follow an agenda that follows strict party line politics with story lines that defy logic and truthfulness, but appeal to their disparate base of socialists, communists, minorities, illegals, and those that have not faired well in life.  They push the story line that rich Republicas are the reason for all of their woes.  At the end of the day, they are now manufacturing the likes of James Hodgkinson, Antifa's, and other  violent activists.

We are sure to see more of this activity as the Democrat Party continues to divide us.  We need to stand for unification, not divisiveness.  We need to educate all citizens to what makes America great, and how they benefit from this great experiment.  We need to counter the lies that they have been fed with the truth of America's greatness!  We do that and the Democrat Party will fade into the scrapheap of failed movements.  

Monday, June 12, 2017

Interesting side story my previous post.


I found this gentleman at the San Bernadino rally.  Unfortunately lost his business card until now, and thought I would share with you all some of his information.
This man was at the rally to protest Sharia Law encroaching on the USA.  He lived in many middle eastern countries over the years with his career as a diplomat, and is intimately involved with understanding the dangers of Sharia.  
Check him out James E. Horn.  

Sunday, June 11, 2017


On 6/10/2017, my wife (and photographer) Jenny and I went to this rally.  This rally was sponsored by Act For America  Our intention was to interview both the Anti-Sharia protesters and the ones supporting Sharia to find out what their viewpoints are and see if we can make any sense of the situation.
One of the ANTIFA group.

We started out attempting to interview the people supporting Sharia.  They consisted of a mixed bag of ANTIFA(see, Communist Party groups, Socialist groups, and illegal alien groups.
One of the group advocating no borders

We tried to interview many of these people to no avail.  The ANTIFA group had their faces covered with fabric to conceal their identities, and they were the bulk of the protesters on the left.  We asked a number of them why they were there and what they stood for.  They declined to discuss anything of substance.  When I asked one of them why they cover their faces, the young man indicated that they want to be unrecognizable in order to protect themselves from any backlash.  He also indicated that all those protesting against Sharia law were White Supremacists.  We found only one person that resembled middle eastern heritage, and he posed for a picture, but declined to be interviewed.  Others wearing middle eastern garb were white Americans showing their support for Islam and Sharia.  

One Muslim man that was willing to pose for a picture, but unwilling to be interviewed.
We did get a solitary socialist to speak with us.  She was a retired union member that was there to embrace the Muslim community.  We had a very good discussion with her, and she also said that she and her group do not embrace Sharia, but instead consider it something that is damaging to woman's rights.  She indicated that most of the left leaning group she was with don't even know what Sharia is, which was telling in itself.  Her group is called the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women, and they have 2 websites:, and  

Represenative from the

Antifa "representative"
Since no one would engage in conversation we were left having to just read signs to learn of their beliefs.

We also had a cursory discussion with an activist that represented REFUSE FASCISM group, and their website is  They are President Trump haters who think that he will take away their rights and will destroy the environment.  We are invited to a rally of theirs on Tuesday June 13th, and will be reporting from there on our findings.  
As you can see on his shirt NO was the standard answer to anything I asked.  Hopefully we'll get more answers for you on their beliefs from their rally.  Stay tuned.

ACT supporters and protesters

We made our way to the other side of the street.   We started interviewing right away, and to our surprise, most of that crowd was very interested in getting their message out.  One of the first people interviewed was a gentleman named "LITTLE JACOB".  This man was very interesting!  He was from the middle east, started out life as a Muslim, and had a spiritual awakening, now a borne again Christian.  He was intimately familiar with Sharia and actually was passing a book out about Islam that he authored.  The book is called 100 facts about Islam, quotes the Koran, and shows the evil of that ideology.  He also does a 1.5 hour radio show that is transmitted to Saudi Arabia, and it is spreading the word of the Gospel there. There is a fatwa out on his life, so he does not share his real name with anyone, knowing the tentacles of Islam is out to kill him.  

We interviewed others, one couple came 50 miles to protest Sharia.  They came from Camarillo and are worried that the last 8 years pushed Sharia beginnings on our country, and believe that the trend has to stop.  Also interviewed James Horn, and ex-state department official that is an author and speaker about the danger of Islam and Sharia for the west.  His website is  

Another man interviewed was also an ex-state department official that was originally an atheist, but met Little Jacob some time ago and converted to Christianity.  He was there to protest against Sharia, and also to support Little Jacob, his mentor.  He had many duty stations in the Arab world, and had first-hand knowledge of the damage Sharia can do to a society.  
Little Jacob

From a negative standpoint, we also had several guys in the anti-sharia law crowd that had their faces hidden, wearing knee pads, fighting gloves and carrying disturbing signs.  They were looking for a fight.  They were DA GOYIM KNOW group, and group of alt-right anti-semites that did not in any way represent anyone else in that protest.  We asked them about their group, why they were there, and what they wanted to accomplish.  They told us that they were not going to talk to us. Bad group!

Note the hands wrapped with tape.

The flag carried their message.

The ACT group didn't seem aware of these guys in their midst, nor did they understand their message.
DA Goyim Know (anti-semitic)


Security was provided not only by San Bernadino police, who were there in force,
but by The Proud Boys .  These guys promote western values, and are color blind to their membership.  You respect western values, you are good with them.  They made sure that bad behavior did not infect the anti-Sharia rally. 

One of the The Proud Boys making sure the crowd was hydrated.
The crowed on one of the corners.  Police presence made sure all opposing groups were kept separate.
This gentleman came all the way with his wife from Camarillo to support ACT.
This sign really expressed the main sentiment of the group from ACT.
Memorial to those lost to the terrorist attack in San Bernadino

Police keeping the rest of crowd at bay.
The rally went from 10am until 1pm.  At 1pm. the leftists decided to pack it up and go home.  At that time the DA GOYIM KNOW and some other younger anti-Sharia protesters decided to follow them to their cars.  Words were exchanged, but the police got there fast and broke up the situation.
Antifas prostestors attempting to vandalize a car.
From our perspective, the rally was peaceful, and both sides were kept apart except at the very end by the San Bernadino Police, who did a very good job with crowd control.
No violence, and First amendment rights were exercised on both ends of the political spectrum.

Our take-away from the rally is that the far left for the most part refused to engage in constructive dialog.  Without that exchange of ideas, there will not be a healing process that brings Americans back together.  Further, there seemed to be a lack of  self examination on the far left side.  They seemed comfortable in jingoistic mindless chants, while the anti-Sharia people were actively discussing issues and keeping open to other ideas.

I invite your comments.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I spent this morning listening to James Comey's testimony before the Senate.  He indicated that he worked at the pleasure of the President, and that he could be fired with or without cause at any time.  Further, he did not dwell on the firing itself, but the portrayal the President gave of him after it was over, and the contrast with what was told to him by the President himself prior to termination.  Water under the bridge.  Did President Trump handle the firing with great class and sensitivity?  In my estimation he did not, but that is not a crime, but rather a defect in personality which is not in any way a criminal offense.

Mr. Comey did say that on his first personal meeting with President elect Trump, he evaluated the President as potentially a big liar, and that was why he documented the meeting in a memo.  He also stated he did not document similar meetings with Presidents Obama or Bush, because he had a level of trust with them.  The President in that meeting indicated that he wished that the investigation of Flynn would go away because General Flynn was a "good guy".  Not an order or even a suggestion, but a wish.  No crime there.  Further, in conversation, Mr. Comey did make it clear that President Trump was not under investigation personally.  Nothing there at all.

Mr. Comey stated that at that first meeting he felt that the President elect was looking for something out of the exercise.  Mr. Comey stated that he felt that President elect Trump was looking for Mr. Comey to show some type of allegiance to him.  Mr. Comey, if retained would be operating as a highly placed member of the President's team, and for that relationship to work, there would have to be a level of mutual trust and respect.  Mr. Comey did not indicate that he was willing to go that far at that first meeting.  

Mr. Comey testified that on numerous occasions, the President did check in with him, had meetings with him, and repeatedly showed support by telling him that he was doing a great job and that he hoped that he would stay on.  Although not asked, it was apparent from the tone that Mr. Comey did not respond in kind, he just simply stated that he intended to continue to serve at his present post.  It appeared that the President was giving him every opportunity for Mr. Comey to voice his support and allegiance to the President, but that was never forthcoming.  

So what more do we have here than a disgruntled employee that was fired and resentful of that action?  Mr. Comey indicated in his testimony that he thought he was fired because of how he was handling the Russia investigation.  Maybe he was fired because the President didn't trust him.  Maybe the President used the Russia investigation as a reason for the firing, a reason he didn't need to fire him.  Maybe President Trump could have handled that in a more delicate way.  Still no high crime here, just once again a personality defect.  

Monday, June 5, 2017


BY: George McCullough
Amhad Musa Jibril – The face of evil
I found it unbelievable, but one of the evilest persons in our world is among us!   An Imam named Ahmad Musa Jibril, out of Dearborn, Michigan preaches death and/or enslavement for all infidels. 
This guy is an avid supporter and advisor to ISIS, Jabhat Al-Nustra and other Jihadi groups, and is considered their inspirational leader.  He is also the inspiration for the recent terrorist attacks in London.  He is a US citizen and roams freely about our land.

This guy is invited to many US Universities to give keynote speeches pertaining to the superiority of Islam.  Most recently he has spoken to students of East Carolina University and North Carolina State.  He is also the main psychological motivation for the terrorists that perpetrated the recent London terrorist attacks.  He is still free to do whatever he likes in our country.

This guy preaches that Sharia law is to be lorded over all of us in the USA, which means that eventually the Jihadi’s are tasked to overthrow our government.  In case you’re wondering, there is a federal law that specifically denies anyone the right to profess this belief.  It is:
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

This law recommends a minimum 20-year sentence for anyone promoting the overthrow of the United States, yet Ahmad Musa Jibril is still running free in Dearborn Michigan!  Why is this guy still walking free on our streets?

Written by: George McCullough
Bob Pierce reciting the poem and telling his story.  Author of the poem in background with Cowboy hat.

The program once again was held in Del Valle Park, and was well planned.  Ex-military, veterans groups, a choir singing patriotic songs, politicians, and others actively participated in the ceremony.  It was a very somber affair that honored those that paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms and our way of life.  One of the most emotional moments was when Bob Pierce, a Vietnam war veteran read the time- honored poem, The Boys of Del Valle Park.  Prior to reading that poem Bob paid tribute to other local Vietnam Veterans that are still paying the price with their health battles cause by agent orange exposure, including those that have passed away for the same reason.  The poem usually brings me to tears, but the story about the suffering caused by that defoliant made the reading all the more poignant.  

The keynote speaker, Lt. Colonel Carl Fabrizio Jr. brought up issues that need to be explored.  After discussing his long career in the military, and how he as a trained Psychologist brought peace to many troubled warriors in various conflicts over the past 30 years, he discussed his observations about the state of Patriotism in the United States.  It revolved around various facts:
  •  In a recent survey, only 37% of Millennials consider themselves Patriotic.  That is  quite a change from past generations.
  •  There is a declining state of cultural literacy in our country, caused by a left  leaning educational system that re-writes history to their own ends, and no longer  focuses on civics as a core subject.
  •  Massive uncontrolled immigration without assimilation

His observation was that we are nearing a tipping point where there will be few citizens in the future that realize the value of the American system, putting America in jeopardy of losing the freedoms and way of life that sets us apart from the rest of the world.  At that point there will be no one to pass on our legacy, and there will no longer be a need for a Memorial Day.  The 1,500,000 war dead that participated in over 80 conflicts throughout our history will have died for nothing.  

Snapshot of crowd at the Ceremony

I noticed that although the ceremony was well attended, the veterans in the crowd had an average age of 70+ years, and the crowd itself was probably averaging 60+ years.  There were very few young adults in attendance, and the only children there were brought in by the few young adults that decided to attend.  Also, very few minorities were in attendance.  This backed up the observations the Lt. Colonel made in his keynote speech.  

Some of the few young people in attendance.  Lakewood Junior ROTC.

As concerned Americans, we need to pay more attention to how we are educating our children.  They need to know that America is special, the most successful country in the history of mankind.  They need to know why we are special.  They need to know our constitution, how our government is to work with balance of powers, why freedom of speech is so important, and why our economic system is the most fair and functional system in the world.   They also need to know that freedom is not free, but can only be had if brave men and women put themselves in harms way, willing to pay the ultimate price if necessary.  Nothing we have comes to us as a right, but rather as a gift from those who fought and at times died to insure that the gift of being American is passed down to future generations.  Only then can the tide of indifference be turned, and once again young people will actively want to participate in honoring those that selflessly gave us our most precious gift, freedom.