On 6/10/2017, my wife (and photographer) Jenny and I went to this rally. This rally was sponsored by Act For America Our intention was to interview both the Anti-Sharia protesters and the ones supporting Sharia to find out what their viewpoints are and see if we can make any sense of the situation.
One of the ANTIFA group. |
We started out attempting to interview the people supporting Sharia. They consisted of a mixed bag of ANTIFA(see, Communist Party groups, Socialist groups, and illegal alien groups.
One of the group advocating no borders |
We tried to interview many of these people to no avail. The ANTIFA group had their faces covered with fabric to conceal their identities, and they were the bulk of the protesters on the left. We asked a number of them why they were there and what they stood for. They declined to discuss anything of substance. When I asked one of them why they cover their faces, the young man indicated that they want to be unrecognizable in order to protect themselves from any backlash. He also indicated that all those protesting against Sharia law were White Supremacists. We found only one person that resembled middle eastern heritage, and he posed for a picture, but declined to be interviewed. Others wearing middle eastern garb were white Americans showing their support for Islam and Sharia.
One Muslim man that was willing to pose for a picture, but unwilling to be interviewed. |
We did get a solitary socialist to speak with us. She was a retired union member that was there to embrace the Muslim community. We had a very good discussion with her, and she also said that she and her group do not embrace Sharia, but instead consider it something that is damaging to woman's rights. She indicated that most of the left leaning group she was with don't even know what Sharia is, which was telling in itself. Her group is called the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women, and they have 2 websites:, and
We made our way to the other side of the street. We started interviewing right away, and to our surprise, most of that crowd was very interested in getting their message out. One of the first people interviewed was a gentleman named "LITTLE JACOB". This man was very interesting! He was from the middle east, started out life as a Muslim, and had a spiritual awakening, now a borne again Christian. He was intimately familiar with Sharia and actually was passing a book out about Islam that he authored. The book is called 100 facts about Islam, quotes the Koran, and shows the evil of that ideology. He also does a 1.5 hour radio show that is transmitted to Saudi Arabia, and it is spreading the word of the Gospel there. There is a fatwa out on his life, so he does not share his real name with anyone, knowing the tentacles of Islam is out to kill him.
We interviewed others, one couple came 50 miles to protest Sharia. They came from Camarillo and are worried that the last 8 years pushed Sharia beginnings on our country, and believe that the trend has to stop. Also interviewed James Horn, and ex-state department official that is an author and speaker about the danger of Islam and Sharia for the west. His website is
Another man interviewed was also an ex-state department official that was originally an atheist, but met Little Jacob some time ago and converted to Christianity. He was there to protest against Sharia, and also to support Little Jacob, his mentor. He had many duty stations in the Arab world, and had first-hand knowledge of the damage Sharia can do to a society.
Little Jacob |
From a negative standpoint, we also had several guys in the anti-sharia law crowd that had their faces hidden, wearing knee pads, fighting gloves and carrying disturbing signs. They were looking for a fight. They were DA GOYIM KNOW group, and group of alt-right anti-semites that did not in any way represent anyone else in that protest. We asked them about their group, why they were there, and what they wanted to accomplish. They told us that they were not going to talk to us. Bad group!
Note the hands wrapped with tape. |
The flag carried their message. |
The ACT group didn't seem aware of these guys in their midst, nor did they understand their message. |
DA Goyim Know (anti-semitic) |
Security was provided not only by San Bernadino police, who were there in force,
but by The Proud Boys . These guys promote western values, and are color blind to their membership. You respect western values, you are good with them. They made sure that bad behavior did not infect the anti-Sharia rally.
One of the The Proud Boys making sure the crowd was hydrated.
The crowed on one of the corners. Police presence made sure all opposing groups were kept separate. |
This gentleman came all the way with his wife from Camarillo to support ACT. |
This sign really expressed the main sentiment of the group from ACT. |
Memorial to those lost to the terrorist attack in San Bernadino |
Police keeping the rest of crowd at bay. |
The rally went from 10am until 1pm. At 1pm. the leftists decided to pack it up and go home. At that time the DA GOYIM KNOW and some other younger anti-Sharia protesters decided to follow them to their cars. Words were exchanged, but the police got there fast and broke up the situation.
Antifas prostestors attempting to vandalize a car.
From our perspective, the rally was peaceful, and both sides were kept apart except at the very end by the San Bernadino Police, who did a very good job with crowd control.
No violence, and First amendment rights were exercised on both ends of the political spectrum.
Our take-away from the rally is that the far left for the most part refused to engage in constructive dialog. Without that exchange of ideas, there will not be a healing process that brings Americans back together. Further, there seemed to be a lack of self examination on the far left side. They seemed comfortable in jingoistic mindless chants, while the anti-Sharia people were actively discussing issues and keeping open to other ideas.
I invite your comments.
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