This morning the unthinkable happened. This man, James Hodgkinson, who hates our country, our system of government, and our economic system, decided to kill Republican lawmakers at a charity baseball practice. Thank God that the police put a quick end to his life before he could do more damage.
The left has pushed an agenda that includes dividing people into different groups, fomenting hatred for all that is American. They follow an agenda that follows strict party line politics with story lines that defy logic and truthfulness, but appeal to their disparate base of socialists, communists, minorities, illegals, and those that have not faired well in life. They push the story line that rich Republicas are the reason for all of their woes. At the end of the day, they are now manufacturing the likes of James Hodgkinson, Antifa's, and other violent activists.
We are sure to see more of this activity as the Democrat Party continues to divide us. We need to stand for unification, not divisiveness. We need to educate all citizens to what makes America great, and how they benefit from this great experiment. We need to counter the lies that they have been fed with the truth of America's greatness! We do that and the Democrat Party will fade into the scrapheap of failed movements.
The only thing I would add is that to blame the democratic party solely is short sighted. As we saw at the rally we attended, there were extremes on both sides. For myself, I was appalled that an extremist group like the young men that were carrying the signs Da Goyim Knows were amongst us. The LA Times chose to photograph them to represent those on the right, which is just as wrong. I've been just as inflamed by the left when Obama did certain things I disagreed with. Would I ever take it to the level that this gunman did, of course not. From reading some history of shooter, he was a violent man long before this incident.