Friday, June 23, 2017


Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall.
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

This seems to be the state of "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare at this moment.  The latest Senate version sounds a lot like Obama Care Light.  It looks like rather than putting some deep thought into the process, the Senate simply took the Obama Care outline and changed some things to make it a little less insidious, but essentially it is still simply a rejiggered Obama Care version.  This is simply a bill being rammed through because a new bill was promised, rather than something that people can count on.

This bill won't pass muster in the Senate, let alone the House.  The end result if it did get passed simply would be that the Republicans will be left holding bag when their version fails as badly as Obama Care.  They will own it, not the Democrats that created the actual problem.  That is why it ultimately it will not pass muster with a vote.  No one wants to take ownership of the Obama Care failure, especially the Democrats.  I'm sure that they are secretly praying that the bill actually passes for that reason.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Mike Lee are 4 Senators that are saying no to this version.  Why?  
1.  It does not effectively repeal Obama Care, simply changes some of its tenants.  
2.  It does not necessarily lower premiums.
3.  It doesn't give states greater flexibility.
4.  It does not give insurance companies the right to sell all types of policies.
If the new law does not do these things, they are not going along with it, and their votes are needed.  What's more, they are right, but they also know that the issues are more complex than that.  

The big problem that no one is even looking at is that Obama Care not only addressed the individual payer market and uninsured people, it also played havoc with employer based plans, changing what they needed to cover and who they needed to cover.  In short, Democrats took Humpty Dumpty and pushed him off the fence.  Now we have a big mess all over with the entire health system in crisis.  Costs are going up exponentially, basic services are being degraded with higher deductibles, less health care professionals, and an overall degraded system than we had before Obama Care.  

Will Congress and the President be able to put a great, workable system back together?  Looking at their present offering, and the effort put into that plan, I don't think that they will.  There is a great possibility that instead of inviting the insurance and medical communities together to assist in crafting a workable plan, they will simply fail and default to a single payer program, insisting that when it is run by the government it will be much better for everyone.  This was the intention of Obama Care all along, and if that is what we will be spoon fed, they all need to be voted out of office.  No critical thinker believes that the government runs anything well. It is beginning to look like all the Kings horses and all the Kings men will not be able to put Humpty back together again!

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