Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Frankly we all should be disgusted with the present congress.  They do not have the backbone to get anything substantial done.  The Democrats are in "Resist" mode, refusing to cooperate in any productive way.  In fact, they purposely stand in the way of many productive initiatives for no other reason than resisting the leadership of the President.

Republicans, on the other hand, cannot agree on anything substantial.  Health Care is now dead, tax reform is foundering, and regulations imposed on the economy by the previous regime are still in place.  They seem not to understand that voters gave them a majority in the house, senate, and the Executive Branch because they wanted Health Care reform, tax reform, and toxic regulations eliminated so that the economy can grow.  They seem to be backing off all their promises in fear that if they actually did what they promised, that they might alienate future voters.

There is another reason why congress can get nothing done.  It is the way the institution has morphed from a body representing constituents, to a body raising money for their respective parties.  Freshman congressmen are told that their primary job is to insure that they raise at least $18,000 per day for their party.  In short, they have little time to represent the voters that put them in office.  Instead they are professional fundraisers.  They need to raise money to insure that they continue to have their job after the next election cycle.  $174,000 per year and their perks are more important than representing their constituents!

There are a few that actually show the courage of their convictions.  Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Andy Biggs, and Mike Coffman are some of the senators and congressmen that stick by their principles and vote their conscience.  Most of the rest are just too busy trying to get reelected.

As voters, we need to get rid of this system that ignores our better interests.  We need to vote these "Do Nothing" representatives out of office and replace them with people of moral substance.  At the end of the day it is us, the voters that have actually let these elected officials run amok, and only we can stop this insanity.


  1. The Republicans are having a hard time circling around the President because they use the same corrupt system as the Dems to get elected. A couple like Rand Paul have stuck to their beliefs from the get go but team building is not happening. Ryan or Trump himself has to get the team united. Ifrom my mouth to Gods ears.

    1. It is a scary mess, and we need to own it as a country! As a country, we let this happen.
