Saturday, July 8, 2017


My wife and I have decided to move to the Reno/Carson City area in the near future.  We took advantage of the long July 4th long weekend to visit the area, and fell in love with property in Dayton on the Carson River.  But that is not what I am writing about today.....

Abandoned mine in Silver City
Abandoned mine in Virginia City

The face of Virginia City

We spent some time in Virginia City, one of our favorite haunts in this part of Nevada!  Virginia City is really a step back in time!  The city has been preserved as it was in the late 1800's, complete with saloons, boardwalks, old-time hotels, shops, old mines, museums, and restaurants.  But it is not just the city, but the citizens of the city that makes everything happen on the weekends!

The locals put on their early western outfits, complete with 6 shooters, shotguns, and western boots and go into town to party, and boy do they!  The Bucket of Blood Saloon is a favorite of ours, complete with Country Western band, the famed Comstock Cowboy's who performed their Second Amendment Concert in honor of the Fourth of July Weekend and a big dance floor in case you want to do some stomping!

Last Saturday the Scottish American Military Society staged their "Scottish Takeover of the Bucket of Blood Saloon".  Veterans dressed in Highland regalia, complete with kilts and sgian-dubh's were the order of the day.  When the CW band takes a break, a Scottish piper would march through the Bucket of Blood bellowing rich Scottish military music from his bagpipe.  The local commander of SAMS Post 1864 then would go up and make a speech about their organization, brandishing a Scottish Claymore battle sword being auctioned off that night for a dollar a ticket.  My wife Jenny would then go through the crowd collecting money for the raffle.  She personally sold hundreds of dollars in tickets, and had a lot of fun doing it!  Lot's of cowboys, cowgirls, ladies, and gentlemen dressed in period costumes bought from her!

Jenny and I are looking forward to the day when we can walk down Virginia City's boardwalk with our boots on and 6-guns strapped to our waist!  That day is coming soon.  Stay tuned!

The drive down the mountain back to Reno always includes a stop in the Highlands of Virginia City to see if we can catch a glimpse of any wild mustangs.  We weren't disappointed.  We found a small herd with a brand new colt, still wobbly on it's little legs.  So good for the heart that we can still find a bit of the wild west left, especially for us Southern California city dwellers!
New baby to add to the herd
This baby was so new, it's little legs will still wobbly.

The last of the Wild West, please support efforts to keep our national treasure safe!

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