Whether you are a supporter or a resister, you have to admit
that this guy is a force to the reckoned with!
I cannot recall a time in my past where a President could take up almost
100% of the airtime on every news channel.
Every day there is an endless parade of Trump stories, Trump speeches,
Trump travels, and depending on the channel either Trump ruining or saving the
country with his actions. Just watching
this Trumpian news fest is exhausting, not to mention the tweets!
The big story on Trump failure has been the lack of progress
with the Obama Care repeal. That didn’t
get done through the Congress as it should have, and that has been the reported
failure of his leadership. That didn’t
stop him, he simply got out his pen and virtually destroyed Obama Care with an
executive order. Now Congress has no
choice but to get the job done, and it also puts pressure on the Democrats to
be part of the process.
An obvious success was appointing Neil Gorsuch to the
Supreme Court, giving the court a conservative majority. What many of us don’t know is that was the
tip of the iceberg! Without any fanfare,
the President has quietly been transforming the entire federal judiciary
system. He has appointed more qualified
conservative federal judges in his first 9 months than President Obama
appointed liberals in his first year in office, and with 168 more vacancies, he
is doubling down on his transformation, insuring that in ensuing decades the
federal court system will be leaning conservative. Why is this important? 99% of all federal court rulings come from
federal district courts, many of which have been leaning left and legislating
from the bench. That trend is over for
the foreseeable future.
He has also come through on his promise to eliminate at
least 80% of Obama era regulations. So
far, he has eliminated over 860 of them, ranging from regulations giving the
EPA overreaching power over the everyday life to business and wall street
regulations that hampered economic growth. He has also instructed the congress
to eliminate 2 regulations for each new one that they put on his desk for
approval. In response the economy is
growing at a 3%+ rate, and Wall Street is turning in unprecedented results,
this year creating over 5 trillion dollars in investment wealth.
Trump is now haggling with Iran and North Korea over nuclear
weapon proliferation. His end game is to
get these two rogue nations back to the negotiation table in order to stop Iran
from gaining nukes and North Korea to give theirs up. This is a work in progress and the jury is
out on whether or not his strong-armed stance will work.
He is also renegotiating trade treaties, on the premise that
they are “bad deals” and favor other nations, not the United States. His “America First” policy makes sense
obviously for the USA, but it is making the worldwide “globalist” movement
crazy! This policy does look like a
long-term win for American interests.
The President also had other challenges, 3 devastating
hurricanes and mass murder in Las Vegas.
His teams responded to each of these challenges with immediacy and with
the full force that they have at their disposal. In addition, the President and his wife
personally visited the devastated areas, and provided hope and comfort for
those affected by these tragedies. He
met all of these challenges with unprecedented attention to detail and with all
the sensitivity of a man who truly cares and loves his fellow citizens.
He has also been pushing for a major overhaul of our tax
system, with the promise of significantly cutting personal and business tax
rates. In addition, part of the plan is
to give American companies the ability to bring back overseas profits without
punitive tax penalties in order to give our economy trillions of dollars in
investment currency that promises to jumpstart job growth by bringing back
production to our country. This
initiative is currently being negotiated in congress, and should be on the
President’s desk for approval by the end of the year.
And yes, he is slowly but surely “draining the swamp”. There is a hiring freeze in Washington DC,
and retirees are not being replaced, with the effect of shrinking the federal
bureaucracy by attrition. He is also
reviewing federal agencies, seeing what can be eliminated or restructured in
order to improve efficiencies. In
addition, he is putting immense pressure on the “Establishment”, both
Republican and Democratic, to change their self-serving ways to get back to the
basics, to start serving those citizens who voted them into office.
History will be the final arbiter of his legacy. One thing for certain, he will not be accused
of doing nothing with his Presidency!