Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Written by George McCullough

The President has a special prosecutor investigating him for what?  Russian connections involving election results?  Collusion?  Obstruction of Justice?  

Other investigations abound.  The Senate and the House of Representatives are also investigating. This is interesting because their investigations started over 9 months ago, and so far there is no evidence.

Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff has stated repeatedly that there is evidence, but not evidence that is "beyond a doubt".  Still, he will not tell us what that evidence is, and no one else on that panel has hinted that there is anything.....

As sure as the sun comes up everyday, the reasonable man knows that there is nothing to investigate.  That said, the investigations go on, and on, and on...  Paul Ryan is hoping that the House investigation can wrap up by Memorial Day, in a perfect world.....  No one believes that.  The Special Prosecutor may never give up, and why should he?  This is a payday for him regardless of the final results, if there are any.

Endgame?  To ruin the Presidency of Donald Trump.  To eliminate his agenda in the hope that he becomes completely ineffectual.  What I find interesting is that while the Progressive Democrats are doing this, many Republicans are not making an attempt to defend him.  RHINO's.  Why?
They are doing this so the "swamp" does not get drained.  Many Republicans, all Democrats, and the Bureaucracy do not want change.  They have what they consider a good thing and they do not want that to end.  To hell with the American people, self-interest is the name of the endgame.  

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